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Team Hugging







I. Introduction To level up global collective consciousness by dissolving barriers with unity through healing and transformation of the mind, body, and spirit. Healerverse is the ultimate place for seekers to find healers, healing and a community. We strive to provide a unique social media experience which allows Seekers and Healers to post, share stories, explore Healers, personalize their pages, and send and receive messages. Healerverse strives to be the digital community of choice for its Healers and Seekers. Our mission is to foster social connections in a fun and easy to navigate online community. We strive to maintain the strongest level of values, including being a customer-centric company which provides quality services and support to our Healers and Seekers to help them develop and nurture important personal relationships online.

II. Content Standards


All users should follow these general rules for Content they post to the Platform: 1. Your Content is publicly available on the Platform, so do not post or create any Content with information that you do not want to become public; 2. Photographs and other media must not contain any disturbing, violent, or threatening images, and must also not show naked people or any pornographic material.

III. Violence and Criminal Behavior


Under no circumstances will any violent or threatening posts or messages, including messages that threaten or celebrate violence, harm, or criminal behavior be tolerated on the Healerverse site. Additionally, any illegal or criminal conduct via Your Healerverse Account or posted via Your Content will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and could result in a restriction, suspension, or termination of Your Healerverse account.

IV. Safety


We want all users to feel safe in the Healerverse Community. We remind everyone to consider the risks to meeting others in real life and/or sharing their private information, including their physical location, publicly on the Platform. Healers and Seekers should report any safety issues, including disturbing messages and Content here: Seekers can book services with Healers. Healerverse provides a purple check mark to show that a Healer has been verified by us. Our verification process includes making sure that they are a verified business and the Healer is who they say they are. However, we encourage all Seekers to report any issues with Healers, even if they have been verified, and to report anyone that is impersonating a Healer or anyone else to our safety team so we can review the allegation.

V. Objectional Content


Objectional Content can be anything that would harm, offend, insult, defame, or otherwise hurt another Seeker or person. Healerverse reserves the right to make its own determination as to what is Objectional Content and seek the appropriate remedy, such as a warning placed on the Content or removal of the same. Repeatedly and knowingly posting Objectional Content could be grounds for the restriction, suspension, or termination of Your account.

VI. Integrity and Authenticity


We are trying to create a community that encourages you to express yourself in an authentic way with the upmost integrity. Healerverse encourages our community to support one another with unity, love and compassion. Please see our principles on our website: for additional information.

VII. Intellectual Property


You cannot post or steal a persons or business’ intellectual property, which includes photographs, visual media, music, and sound media without permission from that individual. If we receive notice that Your Content is violating the Intellectual Property rights of others, we will remove it as soon as we can and may restrict, suspend or terminate Your account as a result.

VIII. Intellectual Property Owners – Take Down Requests


If you see that your intellectual property is being posted or used without your permission, please contact us at support@5dhealerverse.comand we will remove as soon as possible. Please note that we will need proof that the content is your intellectual property.

IX. Content-Related Request, Information, and Decisions

If you have any questions with regards to Content or our policies with regards to Content, please contact us at


A Note from our CEO, Trish Kane:


Welcome to Healerverse on behalf of my team and I! I want to say thank you to everyone that shares space with us on Healerverse. This platform is founded on community and love. The purpose is to bring together soul connections, healing and love.


Dearest Healing Community: This is YOUR platform. We are all about community and unity here at Healerverse! I did reiki and downloaded the highest vibes into every single page, document, and word that went onto here. Feel free to send the same vibes and your healing powers on here for the same.


My purpose is to bring everyone together for the highest good. I cannot wait to see and hear about the miracles that will happen through the connections here. Healerverse is bringing together the most powerful humans on earth into one space and I cannot think of anything more exciting than that!


Additionally, I know I will not be able to meet everyone on here in person, but as I travel,I will be buying tickets to your Events, booking appointments with Verified Healers and doing workshops too. This is my normal life envisioned coming into one platform. If you happen to see me in real life through my travels and at Healerverse events, please don’t hesitate to come up to me and give me a hug or speak to me if you see me somewhere in real life. I want to meet as many people as possible in our community!


I promise to do everything I can to bring you the greatest experience possible through 5D and everything Healerverse that we bring to this beautiful community. We have a lot of exciting things coming soon following the launch on the Metaverse! Feel free to directly message me on Healerverse or post on my wall.

I wish you all love and abundance as we enter this container and the new earth! Let’s do this! Best Regards,




Trish Kane, MBA, Healer

Chief Executive Officer


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